Serve at the Tree
As the temperatures cool down and the Halloween decor is put away, Snyder begins preparing for one of our biggest and most special events of the year— The Singing Christmas Tree!
The Singing Christmas Tree (SCT or the Tree for short) is a beloved tradition that brings thousands of people through our doors each year. Our guests can look forward to an excellent performance where our gifts and talents are on full display. Most importantly, the SCT is a creative way to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with every person who attends a performance. Our hope goes beyond entertainment as we pray that each person has a personal encounter with the Lord that impacts their life.
We have many opportunities for you to serve during the Tree! Serving is a way to use your gifts to impact the lives of others. I Peter 4:10-11 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” From greeters at each door, to camera operators and those working in the sound booth, to volunteers helping with Snyder Kids behind-the-scenes, you can be a part of the Singing Christmas Tree!
We encourage you to find a place to serve at the Tree! Whether you have a serving team that you consistently serve on, or this is your first time serving at Snyder, we have a place for you! This Sunday, you’ll be able to learn about each of the volunteer opportunities we have for the Singing Christmas Tree. There will be tables in the Cammack Lobby and Gathering Hall with staff and volunteers to help you learn about the different opportunities and find a place to serve this Christmas season.
You will not want to miss being a part of this special Snyder tradition!
See you Sunday!
Jen Rabon, Executive Assistant to Senior Pastor
The Singing Christmas Tree (SCT or the Tree for short) is a beloved tradition that brings thousands of people through our doors each year. Our guests can look forward to an excellent performance where our gifts and talents are on full display. Most importantly, the SCT is a creative way to share the gospel of Jesus Christ with every person who attends a performance. Our hope goes beyond entertainment as we pray that each person has a personal encounter with the Lord that impacts their life.
We have many opportunities for you to serve during the Tree! Serving is a way to use your gifts to impact the lives of others. I Peter 4:10-11 says, “Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms. If anyone serves, they should do so with the strength God provides, so that in all things God may be praised through Jesus Christ.” From greeters at each door, to camera operators and those working in the sound booth, to volunteers helping with Snyder Kids behind-the-scenes, you can be a part of the Singing Christmas Tree!
We encourage you to find a place to serve at the Tree! Whether you have a serving team that you consistently serve on, or this is your first time serving at Snyder, we have a place for you! This Sunday, you’ll be able to learn about each of the volunteer opportunities we have for the Singing Christmas Tree. There will be tables in the Cammack Lobby and Gathering Hall with staff and volunteers to help you learn about the different opportunities and find a place to serve this Christmas season.
You will not want to miss being a part of this special Snyder tradition!
See you Sunday!
Jen Rabon, Executive Assistant to Senior Pastor
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