
Why we give.

In II Corinthians 9:6-15, the Apostle Paul encourages Christians to give to those who are in need and those who minister the Gospel. Tithing not only shows a grateful heart to God for what He has already given us (Deuteronomy 14:23), but also enables those whom God has called to serve as pastors, missionaries, and Biblical teachers to build the Kingdom of God.

We are grateful for your partnership in the Good News of Jesus! Every gift allows us to further pursue Snyder's purpose of leading people to Discover God, Develop Faith and Display Christ-Like Love.

Ways to Give

Give Online

Give a one-time gift or schedule a recurring gift directly through your bank account or via credit/debit card. Simply visit the link below. 


Sundays: Place your offering in the plate when it passes by during worship.

Monday-Friday: Bring your offering to the Church Office (M-TH: 8:30am - 5pm; F: 8:30am - 1pm)

By Mail

Send your offering to:

Snyder Memorial Baptist Church
c/o Geron Gambill
701 Westmont Drive
Fayetteville, NC, 28304

Make checks payable to Snyder Memorial Baptist Church. Please indicate "General Fund" or list the specific Ministry in the memo line.

SMBC Foundation

Snyder established the SMBC Foundation in 1983 to benefit various local, national and international missions, and ministry or benevolent causes.This allows us to further help our mission in leading people to Discover God, Develop Faith, and Display Christ-Like Love. 

Frequently Asked Questions

How do I create my Online Giving Profile?
Snyder uses ACS ACCESS to make giving easy and convenient. This is a safe and flexible way to give your tithe through either credit card, bank card or e-check.  Creating an online account will allow you to access your giving history.

For instructions on logging-in to Access ACS, please CLICK HERE.
How do I view my Giving History or get a Contribution Statement?
Giving history can be viewed at anytime in your giving profile via ACS Access. Quarterly contribution statements are also mailed to you. 

Are there untraditional ways I can give to Snyder?
Yes! You can make a stock transfer, a qualified charitable IRA distribution, or designate a legacy gift through your estate. Our Finance Team can help you with any of those transactions by contacting our Finance Office (910) 484-3191.
What is the deadline for annual contributions?
All contributions must be received or postmarked by December 31 in order to be included on your contribution statement for that year. Any online contributions must also be initiated by December 31.
Who do I contact about another question I have?
For any financial questions, please email Tammy Googins or call (910)-484-3191.