We are ready to go back to Nairobi, Kenya to join our International Mission Partners at Missions of Hope International. We will serving at Bondeni and Chumani where we will be planning a Children's VBS and have a construction project. Children who are 4th grade and up may go as long as a parent is going.
Trip Details: Dates: July 17-29, 2025
Led by: Susie Reeder
Approx. Cost: $2,100 (safari Optional)
Deposit: $100 (due March 3)
Application Deadline: March 3
If interested in going, please email
Susie Reeder to let her know you are interested. You do not have to be sure at this point. Then complete the application and return it to Susie by bringing it to the Church office or via email, susier@snydermbc.com
You can download the application here or pick it up in the Church Office.