Global Missions

“Each of you should use whatever gift you have received to serve others, as faithful stewards of God’s grace in its various forms.”
1 Peter 4:10
Snyder sends teams out each year to be the hands and feet of Christ in the US and all over the world. We believe that mission trips not only give us the opportunity to serve others, but also to learn from others. 

Kentucky Extreme Build

October 11 - 15

Our original plan for our KY mission trip this summer was to work with the Extreme Build, but it was delayed to September.  We are now looking for those who might be interested in doing a short trip to help our with our KY partnership by helping with the Extreme Build October 11 -15.   This team will work with landscape and a punch list (things that still need to be done).  If interested, please complete the application  by September 29 (we will reimburse you).

Contact Susie Reeder with any questions.

Kenya Youth Mission Trip

Snyder's High School students went on a life-changing trip to our ministry partners at Missions of Hope International in Nairobi, Kenya. Check out their trip highlights.


One of the many ways Snyder supports God's global mission is through Child Sponsorship Programs. We partner with 3 different organizations in 3 different countries to help those in poverty earn a quality education. Our members actively participate in their lives as they write letters of encouragement, send gifts, and even visit their child through a Snyder-led Mission Trip. Interested in learning more? Please Contact Susie Reeder.

International Partners

Mission of Hope International (MOHI)

Haiti Outreach Ministries

Grace Christian Mission

National Partners

Olive Branch Ministries
CBF - Southeast Kentucky


Baptist Children Home of NC

NC Baptists On Mission 

Missionary Partners


Carter S. 


Danny & April H. 


Matt & Michelle N.

Uni. Of Austin-TX

Matt & Kristi M.

SE Kentucky

Hannah R.

Orlando, FL

Cody & Hannah M.