A Pastor's Perspective 06-25-2024

  I came to Snyder in 1995 and missions was a large part of our Youth Ministry.   We did a mission trip each year and so I decided that every 4th year, we would take our youth on an International Mission trip to give our youth a new world view perspective.  Our first trip in 1999 included 13 youth and 4 adults going to Kenya.  I worked with a CBF missionary, Sam Harrell.   It was a life changing experience for those youth, but also for me.  I learned so much about doing mission trips from Sam.  We went into a Masai village and painted one room of a school.  Sam wanted us to leave the materials so that they could finish the school.  The children stood at every window watching what we were doing.  By the end of the trip, our youth had gotten a little grumpy and we were headed to the Dandora Slum to do some projects in an orphanage.  The youth was busy talking and fussing, but as we got closer to the slum, it got more and more quiet.  I looked around and saw tears falling from their eyes.  Sam turned around and said, "Wipe those tears, these kids do not know they are poor."  

   What an impact that made on all of us.  I definitely learned that we don't always have all the solutions and plans, but that we can learn from the people we went to minister to.  I have taught that over and over to those going on mission trips.  We just returned from Kenya again with a group of 24 youth and 11 adults.  I can honestly say, that this group probably learned more than they gave.  They were an awesome group.  The youth did everything I asked of them and jumped in and gave it their all.  They embraced the joy of the children in the slum...those children who have nothing physically, but they know the joy of the Lord.  It was truly amazing watching them minister and learn.  Their lives are definitely changed!  On Friday night, we went over to the Kamau's home to have dinner.  Mary asked if some of the youth would share about their experience.  Youth after youth stood up and shared about the impact the trip had made on their life.  We couldn't do this without Snyder's giving to this trip.  Our youth know that and are very appreciative.  They know that they need to continue to let God work in their lives.  Who knows how God will continue to speak in their lives?  I can't wait to see.
   At the same time, we had a group of mostly adults and a child go to Kentucky to work with our partner, Scarlette Jasper.  It was a wonderful trip and they accomplished so much to help Scarlette out.  In July, we have an adult team of 10 that will head back to Kenya and work at Bondeni and head over to our new school, Chumani.  They will get pictures of our newly sponsored children there and take them on a field trip.  If you haven't been on a mission trip, don't miss the opportunity to let God work in your life and change your life.  It is the best!  Go!!!

Serving Together, Susie




