A Pastor's Perspective 02-13-2024
When I agreed to serve as Interim Director of Student Ministries Jon and I discussed Keen Teen. He tried to paint a picture of exactly what this event would look like. Eileen and I did not attend Synder when our boys were old enough to participate. I had no idea what Keen Teen was and the amount of planning and practice involved to make it an amazing experience for both our Keens and Teens.
Offical planning for this year’s Keen Teen started in November but thoughts and ideas on what the theme would be and the different acts had been in discussion for months prior. Sarah Nobles and Kellie Ross were the masterminds behind this year’s “Country Roads Take Me Home” Keen Teen 2024.
The first step to put on an event like this is to ensure you have people to help. I have quickly discovered there are so many caring adults in our congregation who want to be involved in our Student Ministry. They teach Sunday School, lead a LifeGroup, serve food Sunday night, provide tech support, work with students in the choir, Steps of Faith or Youth Praise Band. These adults all volunteered to ensure our students were ready for Saturday’s big event.
Numerous emails, text messages and phone calls were sent to ensure everyone working on Keen Teen was in the loop of what all needed to be done. Several meetings were held to determine how to best set up the Fellowship Hall with our new chairs. Decisions had to be made on where costume changes would occur, what the decorations would be, sending out invitations and organizing adult volunteers to best support our students.
Once the adult support was in place our students were asked to join the fun. What a blessing to have so many talented students who willingly gave up their time on Saturdays and even a few Sundays to learn the choreography and practice speaking their lines. After long days at school students attended dress rehearsals on Thursday and Friday.
While rehearsals were happening numerous adults were setting up and decorating the Fellowship and Gathering Hall. Lighting, sound and computer support had to sync with the skits and dance numbers. Each table was decorated, silverware placed and glassware set out.
Final touches were completed Saturday. Jelisa and her team cooked an amazing meal that was served by adult volunteers. When the show was over dozens of students and adults helped Luis, Giles and Linwood put the Fellowship Hall back together for Sunday’s 8:40 service.
Good Baptists like to know the specific numbers: 217 Keens, 49 Youth, 37 Servers, 10 staff…PRICELESS! Plans are already in motion for Keen Teen 2025. On behalf of our students, thank you Snyder for supporting this fantastic ministry! Tom Hatch
Offical planning for this year’s Keen Teen started in November but thoughts and ideas on what the theme would be and the different acts had been in discussion for months prior. Sarah Nobles and Kellie Ross were the masterminds behind this year’s “Country Roads Take Me Home” Keen Teen 2024.
The first step to put on an event like this is to ensure you have people to help. I have quickly discovered there are so many caring adults in our congregation who want to be involved in our Student Ministry. They teach Sunday School, lead a LifeGroup, serve food Sunday night, provide tech support, work with students in the choir, Steps of Faith or Youth Praise Band. These adults all volunteered to ensure our students were ready for Saturday’s big event.
Numerous emails, text messages and phone calls were sent to ensure everyone working on Keen Teen was in the loop of what all needed to be done. Several meetings were held to determine how to best set up the Fellowship Hall with our new chairs. Decisions had to be made on where costume changes would occur, what the decorations would be, sending out invitations and organizing adult volunteers to best support our students.
Once the adult support was in place our students were asked to join the fun. What a blessing to have so many talented students who willingly gave up their time on Saturdays and even a few Sundays to learn the choreography and practice speaking their lines. After long days at school students attended dress rehearsals on Thursday and Friday.
While rehearsals were happening numerous adults were setting up and decorating the Fellowship and Gathering Hall. Lighting, sound and computer support had to sync with the skits and dance numbers. Each table was decorated, silverware placed and glassware set out.
Final touches were completed Saturday. Jelisa and her team cooked an amazing meal that was served by adult volunteers. When the show was over dozens of students and adults helped Luis, Giles and Linwood put the Fellowship Hall back together for Sunday’s 8:40 service.
Good Baptists like to know the specific numbers: 217 Keens, 49 Youth, 37 Servers, 10 staff…PRICELESS! Plans are already in motion for Keen Teen 2025. On behalf of our students, thank you Snyder for supporting this fantastic ministry! Tom Hatch
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