This Little Light by Victoria Morrison

This Little Light

Victoria Morrison

Words do not begin to describe today. My day started off a little bumpy due to oversleeping my alarm, which led to no breakfast and a rushed morning. I was feeling tired and less prepared to conquer the day. However, the Lord had other plans in store for my day. The day officially started by teaching music for VBS at Bondeni.  These past two days I have felt God leading me more than I was leading them. We sang “This Little light of Mine”, and in the song we say “Don’t let Satan blow it out I’m gonna let it shine.” That is just what the people here display, they don’t let Satan blow out their joy and light for the Lord, even after a devastating flood that wiped out many peoples’ homes.  Most of us would have questioned God and pushed God away. They fully embrace the storm and walk through their struggles, not alone, but with God. Bondeni has taught me so much, I can’t wait to continue to experience God's calling these next few days.  

After doing VBS with the kids we got to hand out fleece jackets to all the sponsored children of Snyder. The joy on these children’s faces receiving their gift and a picture of their sponsor was priceless. Half of the children only know the name of their sponsor and putting a face to them made it even more impactful. The children couldn’t be more thankful to have someone so far away love them so deeply and pray for them daily.

Once we finished our time at the school we got to go on our daily community walk. My group got to go to a Snyder sponsored little girls house named (Melvin). Melvin led Bella Garcia, Tori Noon, Emma Claire Garlington, Wills Noon, the social workers and I to her home. Her home was at the top of the apartments next to the slums of Bondeni. As we made our way into their somewhat larger room than others have, the mother greeted us with a three-month-old baby and another 3-month-old on the bed napping. Coming on this trip I kept asking Susie Reeder “Will I get to hold a baby?” Her response was always that it is up to the families. The minute I saw that baby, I asked to hold her with the mother’s permission. My heart felt full of joy to get to hold such a precious little girl, but also heartbreak for the family. The 3-month old twins are healthy, but the little boy has a tongue tie, this causes the little boy to struggle with feedings. My heart broke with this news and the financial struggle the family has to get medical attention to the little boy. This single mother is not only raising these twins but a 3rd and 4th grader.  That doesn’t even include her own health and personal struggles leaving her without a job till her twins can attend daycare at 6 months old. As we prayed for her we asked God to provide for this family and to give her relief as she is beginning this new life with 4 kids. As we left her house I sobbed asking God “What can I do to help this family”. My prayer was to stay at her house longer and let me tend to the babies and mother’s needs. Others around me reminded me that I can’t control what God has in store for this family, but only pray and ask God to provide. My wish is to continue to pray, but also work with the social workers to receive the medical attention the 3-month-old little boy needs.

Kenya has changed my life in so many ways possible and I know it will continue to impact me these next 5 days here. The Lord works in miraculous ways and I’m so excited to see what He has in store. Please continue to pray for those here in Kenya, but also continue to pray for us as we are given this opportunity to see and experience a different life. - Victoria


Greg West - June 11th, 2024 at 2:16pm

Great job, Victoria. Proud of you!

Barb Slone - June 11th, 2024 at 2:35pm

Praise the Lord that you are experiencing Jesus in such a wonderful way. Keep looking for opportunities to seek him and serve! ❤️

Tom Hatch - June 11th, 2024 at 11:06pm

Victoria I'm so glad you got to hold the babies and I see that you made it to breakfast in time today😎‼️

Becky - June 19th, 2024 at 2:52pm

What delightful words! I'm Kinsley's grandmother. I have been praying for all of you!! Praying that God will do a miraculous work in all of you. God bless.




