Indescribable Joy

Day 1

Today was our first day at Missions of Hope International (MOHI). We began the day with orientation. Peter gave us an inspiring review of MOHI's history. We all could not help but recall Jesus’s story of multiplying the fishes and the loaves to feed 5,000 plus people.  We thought of Mary’s vision and how God used one person to multiply MOHI from 50 students to 30,000 students.

Our orientation went from the classroom at Pengani then ventured out into the Mathare community with our assigned social workers. The sights, sounds and smells are indescribable, but the faces of the children can only be described as pure joy.  They greeted us with high fives, handshakes, hugs and big smiles.  We had the opportunity to visit with one of the mothers whose children attend Bondeni School. She welcomed us into her home and began to share how MOHI has impacted her life and the lives of her children.  She was so thankful for the opportunity her children have to receive an education, but equally thankful for the daily meals they receive. She knew that God was ultimately the one giving her children ‘the daily bread’ that Jesus taught us all to pray for.  

The joy on her face was once again indescribable and it was not surprising that her name was JOYce. Joyce was full of God’s Joy.  A pure Joy that comes from knowing God is providing all your needs.  A Joy not found in what one possesses, but knowing who possesses you.  A Joy that comes from having the “rivers of living water” flow from within because you know “The Living Water”.  In John 7:37-38 Jesus tells us “Let anyone who is thirsty come to me and drink.  Whoever believes in me, as scripture has said, rivers of living water will flow from within them.”  Joyce has that living water.  In her very humble home made of metal sides and a plastic tarp roof hangs a framed picture of Jesus with the Bible verse “I am the living water.” Along Joyce’s walls, lay stacked containers of water…..water that is clean and safe. Outside of her shanty home, in stark contrast to the clean water she had stored, lays raw sewage and filthy water that if consumed would surely take her life and the lives of her children. But Joyce went to Jesus because she was thirsty and Jesus gave her that living water.  Living water that brings eternal life. That’s the impact MOHI is having in Kenya.  Keep them in your prayers. - Karen Felton

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