Generations working together using our God given Gifts
July 9th, 2024
The Snyder Kentucky Team of 2024 started as a group of church members who were familiar only with each other's faces. However, by the trip's conclusion, we had transformed into a tight-knit family. To...  Read More
by Donna Lazar
A Pastor's Perspective 06-25-2024
June 25th, 2024
  I came to Snyder in 1995 and missions was a large part of our Youth Ministry.   We did a mission trip each year and so I decided that every 4th year, we would take our youth on an International Miss...  Read More
by Susie Reeder
A Pastor's Perspective 06-18-2024
June 18th, 2024
We have been doing a review of the Scriptures that the Kamau’s encouraged us with during their time with us at the beginning of the month. Today we’ll look at the third Scripture that Wallace talked a...  Read More
by Blake Benge
Just the Beginning by Lily Garcia
June 15th, 2024
Today was the 8th day of our 10-day mission trip in Kenya, however, this day was the “last day” of why we were here, to minister to the children we have met at the MOHI schools. Today, that school was...  Read More
by Lily Garcia
A Great Day at MOHI High Schools by Jackson Van Wormer
June 14th, 2024
Today is Friday, June 14, and it was a really great day.  We woke up earlier to eat and go to Joska for praise and worship. When we arrived, we sat and waited for a little bit for the prep of praise a...  Read More
by Jackson Vanwormer
Ken-ya Dance? by Bella Garcia
June 13th, 2024
Today was definitely our most chaotic day, and despite the need to be very flexible in terms of the itinerary, I can confidently say these high school girls have already taught me a great deal. Our da...  Read More
by Bella Garcia
We can't, but He can
June 12th, 2024
In our last day of Vacation Bible School at Bondeni, we taught the story about Jesus walking on water. In a place that has been devastated by flooding, this story of faith couldn’t have been more prev...  Read More
by Kate Pearson
This Little Light by Victoria Morrison
June 11th, 2024
Words do not begin to describe today. My day started off a little bumpy due to oversleeping my alarm, which led to no breakfast and a rushed morning. I was feeling tired and less prepared to conquer t...  Read More
by Kate Pearson
A Pastor's Perspective 06-11-2024
June 11th, 2024
  This morning, I awoke to a text from one of our missioners currently in Kenya sending a video of children quoting scripture in one of the schools we support. So many children in the last 25 years ha...  Read More
by Blake Benge
Infectious Joy by Wills Noon
June 10th, 2024
Today started earlier than the previous two days, and we woke up to a power outage. However, our spirits were quickly lifted by a delicious breakfast prepared by our chef, Ferdinand.After breakfast, w...  Read More
by Kate Pearson
Community Worship
June 9th, 2024
We started our morning like all the rest; with a delicious meal made fresh by the hospitality team at our lodging. We then left for church, and on the bus ride there we saw many locals walking to chur...  Read More
by Kate Pearson
A Community Walk by Abi Herring
June 8th, 2024
Saturday, June 8, 2024We arrived at Misisons of Hope International (MOHI) Pangani School after a bumpy half hour bus ride. We were greeted by smiling faces and taken up to a classroom to begin orienta...  Read More
by Kate Pearson