A Pastor's Perspective 04-30-2024

   While living in Pensacola, I fell in love with walking. A walk in the evening after a long morning bike ride is just the thing to keep the muscles and mind from going stiff. So, when the schedule allows, I walk. I do a lot of work of various types while walking, such as returning phone calls, meetings or reviewing notes. And sometimes, if all the calls are returned and I see someone I know, I will join them and walk a few blocks in their direction.
   One evening several weeks ago while walking, I ended up having conversations with Snyder members along the way, actually sitting on the porch with one and walking with another who was out walking their dog. We discussed nothing in particular in both conversations, but my companions turned the conversation toward the Generations campaign. Each was excited but serious about their commitment to do something sacrificial to honor our heritage and invite the future. Unsolicited discussions, of both an enthusiastic and sacred nature, have occurred throughout this year. These two were merely indicative of others speaking to me across the generations of our church.
   There have been many memorable moments in the last four months as we fully stepped into Generations. One of the more potent moments will be this Friday night at our Advance Commitment Service when our Snyder family will join together in worship and example by going first in making an early commitment to the Generations initiative. Thank you for making time to be here this Friday night.  
   Yesterday, as I wrapped up the fourth of our Generations messages, I realized that I had referenced several sources in the message people would want to explore. They are listed below.
Looking forward,
A Video
The Blessing of Giving Tim Keller: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=zmXJbOC6TXw
True Riches: What Jesus Said About Money and Your Heart. John Cortines and Gregory Baumer  
The Genius of Generosity. Chip Ingram
C.T Studd: Cricketer and Pioneer. Norman Grubb
Online PDF:
Google: 2350 Verses on Money and Possessions. Compass, Finances God's Way



