A Pastor's Perspective 11-28-2023
A Pastor’s Perspective…
Completing the work of the 2020 Vision plan has been both rewarding and challenging. We had no blueprint to work from and a few hurdles along the way, but we are pressing forward, and I’m excited to see the plans develop.
A few months ago, we held some listening sessions to share initial plans and to receive input from the congregation on our next steps. Those meetings were extremely productive and well-received. We gained great insight from you that will be valuable as we move forward.
As Blake indicated in his Bell article after the listening sessions, our consultant with Generis, Alan Wildes, has been very helpful in moving us through the process. Alan shared with us that he was very pleased with the responses from the listening sessions and felt that we, as a congregation, were ready to embark on the Generosity initiative. Many of you have expressed your excitement about the direction of the church and what God’s future holds for us.
Along with revealing great enthusiasm for the future initiative, the listening sessions show your desire for more details about the work and the projected cost. We are currently working with our architect to develop a clearer view of the scope, priorities and cost projections. Part of that process also includes discerning what is financially feasible. We will be completing that background work through December.
The next big step will be a church-wide dinner on February 2, where we will share these details and plans in higher resolution. Please mark your calendars for that date and respond promptly to the invitation. I know that everyone will want to be part of this exciting time for SMBC.
While all the preparation for February 2 is being completed, please pray for those involved in the process and for the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us as we discern God’s will in this effort.
In Christ,
Mark W. Rice, Long Range Planning Chair
Completing the work of the 2020 Vision plan has been both rewarding and challenging. We had no blueprint to work from and a few hurdles along the way, but we are pressing forward, and I’m excited to see the plans develop.
A few months ago, we held some listening sessions to share initial plans and to receive input from the congregation on our next steps. Those meetings were extremely productive and well-received. We gained great insight from you that will be valuable as we move forward.
As Blake indicated in his Bell article after the listening sessions, our consultant with Generis, Alan Wildes, has been very helpful in moving us through the process. Alan shared with us that he was very pleased with the responses from the listening sessions and felt that we, as a congregation, were ready to embark on the Generosity initiative. Many of you have expressed your excitement about the direction of the church and what God’s future holds for us.
Along with revealing great enthusiasm for the future initiative, the listening sessions show your desire for more details about the work and the projected cost. We are currently working with our architect to develop a clearer view of the scope, priorities and cost projections. Part of that process also includes discerning what is financially feasible. We will be completing that background work through December.
The next big step will be a church-wide dinner on February 2, where we will share these details and plans in higher resolution. Please mark your calendars for that date and respond promptly to the invitation. I know that everyone will want to be part of this exciting time for SMBC.
While all the preparation for February 2 is being completed, please pray for those involved in the process and for the Holy Spirit to work in us and through us as we discern God’s will in this effort.
In Christ,
Mark W. Rice, Long Range Planning Chair
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