A Pastor's Perspective
For the first time in 98 straight years, Neiman Marcus will not publish their gift catalog, called the “Christmas Book.” Like many other retailers, they have chosen a more inclusive term, and the catalog will now be known as the “Holiday Book.” When I read this, I thought, “Come On, Folks! Two more years, and you would have made it to 100! That would be a Yule Tide record.” However, Neiman Marcus is not concerned with that sort of record. The concern of retail is the bottom line. And while those of us in churches throughout the land might shake our downcast heads and say something like, “Well, this is another example of people forgetting the reason for the season.” We would be wiser if we realized that it is not Neiman Marcus’ position or responsibility to be the guardian of Christmas. Their responsibility is to be the guardian of their bottom line. The Church is the guardian of Christmas!
We, the followers of Jesus, are the ones who claim the wonder of Christmas. That our society is stepping away from Christmas language at Christmas time might grieve us, but it should not surprise us. The economy is not fueled by the wonder of Christmas, but the Church is meant to be propelled by it. We are the ones who believe that God “incarnated” himself in an embryo and was born a helpless child in a stable - the wonder of God’s desire to connect with us. In becoming man, God sought to be understandable to us and, much more importantly, became uniquely able to make the ultimate sacrifice for us!
So, we return to Christmas time again this year. The most wonderful time of the year. The rich traditions will once again create warm sentiments and return us to memories of Christmas past. However, we should always maintain a vigilant awareness that authentic Christmas traditions restore true wonder and renew tired eyes to see the Good News as if for the first time, if not for the very first time.
This is our aim for the whole of December: A Singing Christmas Tree presenting the wonder of Christmas, and a series of Sunday morning messages doing the same. As a church, may we hold fast to the wonder so that others may grasp it as well, and in doing so, grasp the hands of God, the hands that created all there is yet also held the straw of a manger with newborn hands. When we consider it all, it is indeed too wonderful to fully grasp. Nevertheless, it is our wonder to share.
Please join us this December for a remarkable Singing Christmas Tree and each Sunday as we explore the wonder of Christmas, seeking to share it with the people and city we love.
I look forward to meeting the friends you invite and bring with you this December.
Happy Thanksgiving,
We, the followers of Jesus, are the ones who claim the wonder of Christmas. That our society is stepping away from Christmas language at Christmas time might grieve us, but it should not surprise us. The economy is not fueled by the wonder of Christmas, but the Church is meant to be propelled by it. We are the ones who believe that God “incarnated” himself in an embryo and was born a helpless child in a stable - the wonder of God’s desire to connect with us. In becoming man, God sought to be understandable to us and, much more importantly, became uniquely able to make the ultimate sacrifice for us!
So, we return to Christmas time again this year. The most wonderful time of the year. The rich traditions will once again create warm sentiments and return us to memories of Christmas past. However, we should always maintain a vigilant awareness that authentic Christmas traditions restore true wonder and renew tired eyes to see the Good News as if for the first time, if not for the very first time.
This is our aim for the whole of December: A Singing Christmas Tree presenting the wonder of Christmas, and a series of Sunday morning messages doing the same. As a church, may we hold fast to the wonder so that others may grasp it as well, and in doing so, grasp the hands of God, the hands that created all there is yet also held the straw of a manger with newborn hands. When we consider it all, it is indeed too wonderful to fully grasp. Nevertheless, it is our wonder to share.
Please join us this December for a remarkable Singing Christmas Tree and each Sunday as we explore the wonder of Christmas, seeking to share it with the people and city we love.
I look forward to meeting the friends you invite and bring with you this December.
Happy Thanksgiving,
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