The Future is Purchased by the Present

“You are the light of the world.”  Matthew 5:14a
Today started a bit earlier than usual as we headed out for Bondeni, ready for the second day of VBS. A mist of anticipation was present ahead of the planned anti-government demonstrations; there was a palpable sense of being watched over by the staff of MOHI. Arriving at Bondeni, we were greeted warmly by the children, their smiles a testament to their eagerness to learn and connect with us once again. Despite the uncertainty outside, inside these walls of hope, there was a sanctuary of faith and community.
Throughout the morning, we shared Bible stories and songs, learning together about our calling to be the light of the world. In the middle of teaching, singing, arts, and playing, we found moments of profound connection. The welcoming spirit of these children is a part of their culture and a reflection of the spirit within their homes as I soon witnessed for a second day.
At the conclusion of VBS we had time for one more community visit. Mine was a special one.  Today I would be visiting in the home of our sponsored child, Daniel. John and I were able to meet and spend time with Daniel at lunch yesterday, learning more about him and his family ahead of today’s visit. Our team gathered to leave the blue gates of Bondeni, with Daniel, holding tightly to my hand, showing me the way to his home. Daniel told me that he walked to school every day this same way with his brothers arriving at an early 6 am.
Daniel’s mother, Agnus, and younger brother were awaiting our visit. This home was bigger than any I had seen so far. With three rooms including a kitchen, Daniel beamed with pride as his mother, and I were introduced. We were graciously welcomed and invited to sit down. Daniel’s father was not present, as he was at his job as a cook. Suddenly, Daniel disappeared momentarily, only to return in an instant proudly presenting a picture of John and me that had been given to him during the recent youth Kenya trip.
Daniel’s mother and I conversed as the social workers translated. When I asked Agnus about her needs and concerns for prayer, we learned Daniel’s father, also named John, had not been paid by his employer for many months. Times were hard financially. We also learned that John was a rotating pastor at their church. I led our group in prayer, interceding for the family, asking God to provide and meet the needs of this family planting seeds hope and love. We said our good-byes as Agnus praised God for us and for the sponsorship of Daniel.
As we packed up and prepared to leave Bondeni, I couldn't help but reflect on the power of our experiences in the school and the community over the past two days. Tomorrow holds its own uncertainties, but today, in the embrace of these children and Daniel, and the shared belief in a loving and good God, we found a moment of peace and hope. In the Bondeni board room where we met daily, there was a poster of rules and consequences for the children. At the bottom of the poster, a simple phrase caught my attention – “Future is purchased by the present.” My heart is full of gratitude that God provided me the opportunity to help in a small way to purchase the future by spending time in the present with Daniel and the children at Bondeni. Isn’t that what we should all be about?

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