Snyder Youth Choir

Youth Choir is for grades 6-12. They rehearse each Sunday, 4:45—6:00 p.m. in the Music Suite, Room B2040. This group sings for our morning worship services several times each year, participates in special projects such as The Singing Christmas Tree, attends state and national choral festivals, and takes an annual mini-tour each spring.
Youth Choir isa place we learn to worship, do missions, memorize scripture, learn languages, learn to read music, learn about other people and cultures, learn to breathe and sing properly, learn to hear and develop advanced musical concepts. It's where we Sing to Jesus!
See the Rehearsal and Event Schedule is below.

Singing Christmas Tree Requirements

All singers who participate in the 2024 Singing Christmas Tree must attend and participate in at least 75% of rehearsals (August 18 - November 10). The Tree pre-dress and dress rehearsals are required.

Choir Tour Requirements

All singers who participate in the 2025 Spring Tour must attend and participate in 75% of rehearsals (Jan 5 - March 16)

Choir Outfits

Red/Black: for more "formal" concerts. Black pants, black shoes and Red Youth Choir Polo (golf shirt).  Used for the Singing Christmas Tree as well.
T-Shirts: Each member will be given a Snyder Youth Choir t-shirt in the Spring to be used for more informal settings and choir tour.

Summer 2025!

Youth Cue National Festival:
Washington DC; June 13-10, 2025. More details to come!