Travel Waiver

Thank you for allowing your student to travel with Snyder Students. This form must be filled out prior to scheduled event(s) in order to maintain records up-to-date. If this is your first time sending your student on a trip with Snyder Students please fill out all fields. If your student is already in ACS and/or has traveled with Snyder Students before, you are only required to fill out required fields marked by an asterisk(*). Students will not be able to travel unless Travel Wavier is submitted. Thank you for trusting Snyder Students!

Student Information

Parent/Legal Guardian Information

Additional Emergency Contact

Medical Acknowledgement

Please fill out each part of this section and acknowledge the statement below by signing your name.

Please acknowledge that the information provided is for chaperone(s) general knowledge. All medication will be held by the designated leader. Your student will be responsible to seek their designated leader for their required medication. By signing below you acknowledge that the above fields are accurate and that you understand this statement.

Upon submission please be ready to provide your student's insurance information to the Minister of Students. You are able to submit this information via email at or by presenting a copy of it to the Minister of Students on day of departure.
Thank you, we are excited to travel soon!