You're Invited!

2024 Singing Christmas Tree Schedule:
  • Thursday, Dec 5 -  7:30pm
  • Friday, Dec 6 - 7:30pm
  • Saturday, Dec 7 - 4:30 & 7:30pm
  • Sunday, Dec 8 -4:30 & 7:30pm

To order your FREE Tickets:
1. Call the Church Office (910) 484-3191. We will mail the tickets to you. If you call after November 27, your tickets will be available at Will Call. 
2. Pick-up at the Church Office.
Office hours: M-Th 8:30am - 5pm; F 8:30am - 1pm
More Details

What to Expect

The actual performance will be around 90 minutes with no intermission. Some pre-service music will begin approximately 10-15 minutes prior to the presentation start time. There is a full orchestra, with a variety of groups (youth, adults, kids, dance, etc.) performing. You will be invited to sing a song or two with us! This is a family-friendly event and children are welcome to attend. Be sure to meet us outside for some Snyder Cider on the Front Lawn! We hope to see you there!

Ticket Procedure

Tickets are available during regular office hours (Mon - Thurs 8:30am - 5:00pm, Fri 8:30am-1pm).
There is an 8 per household maximum. (If more tickets are available after November 25, we will be happy to distribute extra tickets per household)
1. In Person Pickup: Come to the church office during business hours Monday - Friday to pick up tickets.
Tickets will also be available Sunday from 9:30 -10:30am and 12-12:30pm in the Gathering Hall.

2. Call In: Call the church office (910) 484-3191. We will take your ticket order (max. 8/address) and mail your tickets to you within 2 business days. Please do not leave a voicemail for ticket reservations. If we are able to answer, please try calling back.

You will need your ticket at the time of the performance. 

Frequently Asked Questions

Childcare is not provided. This is a family friendly event and children are welcome to attend!
What time do Doors Open?
Doors open 1 hour prior to the performance time. 
General Admission/Seating
All tickets are considered General Admission. If a group would like to sit together, we suggest arriving together early.

Doors open 1 hour  prior to start time. 
Handicap Accessibility
There are pews reserved for those who have mobility issues and will need to enter via a wheelchair or walker.

There will be handicap accessible parking and entries on both ends of the church (Westmont Drive and Rockledge Avenue) have a circle drive drop-off point and handicap parking. 
Cancel/Change Ticket
Stop by or call the church office (910)-484-3191 to let us know if you would like to switch ticket dates or need to cancel.

If you are switching tickets, we will do our best to accommodate you.

If you need to cancel and are unable to return your tickets, please let us know how many you will not be able to use, so we can make adjustments in our available ticket numbers. 
Ticket Reservations
We are not able to take Ticket reservations before November 14. We cannot hold tickets for you at the church office. To get tickets, you must pick them up at the church office or we will mail them to when you call.

Do Not leave a voicemail!
Group Tickets
At this time, we cannot place an order for more than 8 tickets per household. 
For more questions, please contact the church office at (910) 484-3191 or email us! Please no ticket reservations via email or voicemail.