There is a great need in our community and within our church body for volunteers to assist elderly and others via our carpentry ministry. Your skills and willingness to share your time are key to an ongoing Operation Inasmuch function.
The leaders of the Carpentry Ministry are always looking to expand this ministry to help where unmet needs exist and to include as many of our members, both male and female, that feel led to serve in this capacity.
The current leaders will provide guidance, advice, assistance and basic training to accomplish this expansion.
The leaders of the Carpentry Ministry are always looking to expand this ministry to help where unmet needs exist and to include as many of our members, both male and female, that feel led to serve in this capacity.
The current leaders will provide guidance, advice, assistance and basic training to accomplish this expansion.
Interested? Click here to complete the form.
Still Not Sure?
- Talk to the spouse of the service member whose deployment date was moved up while in the process of relocating the family. They had three small children and no one to erect the swing set or install the storm door.
- Talk to those who have experienced the joy of changing lightbulbs for the elderly people or fixing a leaky faucet.
- Talk to someone whose gate suddenly breaks, they can't open it, and the husband is half a world away.
- Talk to someone who has been involved in doing such good deeds for the last five, ten or fifteen years. They can share with you the tears of sadness and of joy that they have witnessed.
- Talk to those who are already building wheelchair ramps on a regular basis.
- Talk to an "old timer" who has done this for the past 20 years and watched it get better and more rewarding with time.